
Disorders which Professor Sutcliffe assesses:

  • Any acutely ill child referred by his or her GP.
  • Children whose parents are used to having a primary care paediatrician (such as in the USA) for annual health checks.
  • Parents concerned about their babies’ development.
  • Failure to thrive (child not gaining weight or growing.)
  • Children with behavioural difficulties (other than Autism.)

Twins / multiple births

Prof Sutcliffe has conducted research involving twins and has worked with the twins and multiple birth association (TAMBA) and understands the extra issues regarding the rearing of twins/ multiples.

Turkish Children

Prof Sutcliffe speaks some Turkish and is married to a Turkish citizen and understands the concerns about children often experienced by families whose background is Mediterranean or middle eastern.

Specialist IVF child clinic.

Having spent the last 25 years conducting studies on IVF children, Prof Sutcliffe’s opinion is sought worldwide by parents of IVF children. He is able to see your child in person. He is able to provide written reports if you are unable to visit the UK.

Medicolegal services.

Prof Sutcliffe can be approached to provide medicolegal reports regarding standards of care by NHS trusts’ counsel and other litigants. He can also provide reports for families in the UK and abroad with specific reference to IVF children.